Latzfonserkreutz,Corno del Renon: le passeggiate tipiche e distensive del sabato e della domenica con le amiche (ma mai con la cabinovia, eresia); ci ho portato anche mio figlio da piccolo nelle sue prime camminate!Quest'bestate/b non ...
I should confess that I've become obsessed with these pyramids, so during my bvacation/b I will tray to see them in different places in South Tyrol. The Earth Pyramids near Soprabolzano/ Oberbozen, in Katzenbachtal, have a bright fuchsia ... Collalbo/ bKlobenstein/b is the main village of the Renon/ Ritten Plateu and offers a lot of possibilities to hike. But, being obsessed with the earth pyramids, I wanted to see also those near Collalbo. The Erdpyramids near Collalbo are ...